Loving Life in Grenada
As you can probably tell from our previous posts, we are really enjoying life and having a lot of fun here in Grenada. I took this photo...
You Might Survive Caribbean Life If....
It's time for a little fun... I am pretty sure that all of our northern family and friends have at one time or another dreamed of picking...
Fort Frederick and Fort Mathew
Perched upon Richmond Hill overlooking St. George's harbour, there are two old forts, Fort Frederick and Fort Matthew, built about 250...
Nutmeg and Mace
When we were on route to Victoria to visit the chocolate factory, we drove through Gouyave (pronounced gwauv) and noticed they had a...
Cocoa Beans And Chocolate!
The annual Grenada chocolate festival was held in May. We had a blast finding out about how they cultivate and harvest the cocoa and then...
Clean days and Dirty days
On our little rock, we have sunny days, and, we have sunny days with occasional clouds. We also have “clean” days, and, “dirty” days with...
Science: Blue Space
We just found out that there is a fancy term called “Blue Space”. We read somewhere that it's that incredible feeling of peace and...
Extraordinary Grenada
Please do not pinch us... we never want to wake up. We are really enjoying this land of spices. We are so happy that we chose to visit...
Hurricane Season - Again
Ain't nobody here but us chickens... It’s that time of the year again. The end of tourist civilization as we know it. It's just beginning...
The Amazing Moringa Tree
We recently discovered a “super-food” that grows right here on our little island, along with all the great fruits and spices available....