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Science: Blue Space

We just found out that there is a fancy term called “Blue Space”. We read somewhere that it's that incredible feeling of peace and calmness that you experience while spending time at the beach. We think there just might be some reality to this notion so let's explore it a bit further. Science says it's the effect that the combination of soothing smells and sounds of water have on your soul, and on your brain, and humans tend to associate it with qualities like calm, openness, depth and wisdom. ...yes, we agree as we really like the feeling of having a nice picnic at the beach...

Apparently that same science suggests that being near, in, on, or under the surface of water can make you happier, more connected, and better at what you do. ...yes, yes, we agree again... we are very happy every day, and are really good at retirement life, so it must be working...

Studies found no strong association between "green" space and improved mental health. ...yep, gotta agree there too. We have noticed that when we gaze across a field of lettuce, we don't usually get excited nor that urge to head out for a picnic...

Science says there is a direct relationship between water and health benefits, your well-being, and it's effect on calming your emotions. Researchers have found that living in a neighborhood where you have lots of opportunity to gaze at blue spaces (like the sea) is associated with lowering levels of physical stress. ...yep, absolutely - a book and a few beers at the ready by our beach chairs on Grand Anse Beach always works for us...

All of us are living in an increasingly crowded and urbanized world. Scientists feel it's kind of intuitive that spending time gazing out at the soft blues of the Caribbean Sea would be relaxing. A lot of wealthy countries have over 85 percent of their populations living in cities… so if we can find or create features in cities that promote mental health, this is really going to help us into the future. ...we just thought it would be easier if we take the leap and retire to a little island in the Caribbean - that seems to work too...

Most scientific studies show that visibility of blue space is associated with lowering environmental psychological distress even after accounting for age, sex, income and neighborhood features like crime rates and wealth. ... yep, zero stress here... it feels great to be away from the office with our feet in the sand enjoying the view...

Scientists ask us to think about looking out at the ocean: you can hear it, hear the waves, and there's a youthful rhythm to that. You can also smell the ocean - they're not sure if it’s just visual thing — it may be other senses as well. ...yep, we feel younger by just thinking about it, but sitting here enjoying the actual view, the smell and hearing the gentle lap of the surf, rather than just thinking about it, is even better...!

When you notice how relaxed you feel at the beach, it’s not just all in your head. Science says that it’s an actual change in the way your brain senses and reacts to its environment leaving you feeling happy, relaxed and re-energized. Looking for and enjoying Blue Space is enough to make your body's tensions ease in a hypnotic sort of way. ...I get hypnotized almost every day sitting next to my sweetheart, with our toes in the sand, and those nice cool refreshments in our hands that seem to kick-start and enhance the hypnotic process just fine...

Apparently, science says that blue space effects you in four different ways that have a positive impact on how you feel - (1) less stress, (2) increased creativity, (3) reduced depression, and (4) it changes your perspective on life:

Being near water is nature’s cure to life’s stressors. It’s known for having the ability to make you feel at ease. So whether you jump in for a swim or simply dip your toes in the water, you’re sure to experience a feeling of relaxation. That’s one instant mood booster we could all use from time to time!

Feeling like you’re in a creative rut? Well, scientists now believe that the solution to this is the beach. Being in blue space allows you to clear your head and approach problems or projects in a more creative way. Much like meditation, the beach triggers a feeling of calmness that allows you to tune everything else out and reflect on what it is you’ve been needing to focus on.

Much like the effects that the beach has on feelings of stress and creative ruts, the beach also provides some relief to feelings of depression. The hypnotic sound of the waves in combination with the sight and smells of the beach can put you into a meditative space. In turn, you can clear your mind and reflect on life in a safe space away from the chaos of your daily life.

And that perspective is going to change for the better! Nature in general has always been a factor in healthy happy lives, but the beach in particular is so good for the soul.

Despite striking results showing that blue space has many influences on human health and well-being, research into blue space is still at best a by-product of environmental psychology and environmental health research. To change that, they suggest that even more research needs to be carried out on the emotional response to humans on experiencing blue space. ...really?? isn't this sorta like giving someone a government grant to study whether humans enjoy sex?..

In conclusion, studies show that the sensual perception of blue space include the sound of water, its color, clarity, motion, and that association leads to a sense of regained energy, youth, and health.

Yes, this is all a bit tongue in cheek but we do generally agree with the science.

Sometimes we just stop and stare. We love the colours and the feeling we get with the gentle breeze blowing through our hair.

So grab your favourite tube of sunblock, pack a picnic, grab a few brews, and put on a hat because it’s time to head to the beach! already knew you didn't need science to figure this out for you... just get up and go!

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