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We wanted a place where we could document and share our travel experiences in one place. Some of our posts are a bit "tongue-in-cheek" and our comments are intended as fun. The information shared in our posts is based on our observations and research - hopefully we don't mislead or offend anyone.  We hope you enjoy our site. The most recent posts are on top - scoll down and click on "older posts" to see previous, or do a search by tags (see below). There is a comments page under "Menu".

SEARCH BY TAGS or scroll down and click on "Older Posts":

We dreamed about living in a place where we don't have to shovel snow or carry an umbrella everywhere we go.  Beaches, sand and palm trees were beckoning to us and we decided we should respond by showing up.

Where are we now ?

As of July 01 2015, the top 5 places to explore are:

  • Barbados

  • Grenada

  • Mexico - PV

  • Mexico - Mazatlan

  • Spain?

...we'll see how far we get (and which order we follow) - see posts for more background info.

Where have we been?

  • Vancouver

  • Ottawa

  • Montreal

  • Niagara Falls

  • Burnaby

  • Mexico - Cancun

  • Mexico - PDC & Coz

  • Mexico - P. Vallarta

  • Barbados

  • Grenada

  • Mazatlan

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