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Images of Grenada

We have visited many places in Grenada and there are still many more for us to explore, so this is just a taste of what Grenada has to offer. We really enjoyed our stay here and have to admit that making Grenada our new retirement home is a real possibility once our travel adventure reaches a conclusion.

There are far too many photos of beaches in our collection so we will try to keep them to minimum in this post. All the images included in this post are our own shots and we loved being here to take them.

This is looking toward the north end of Grand Anse beach. The photo was taken from about the middle of the beach next to the Spice and Craft Market where we hang 90% of the time...

This photo was taken from the same spot but looking toward the south end.

Here is another shot taken from the southern most end of Grand Anse beach, close to Spice Island Beach Resort, and looking north.

Inside the Craft and Spice Market is a little place called Esther's Bar. Esther and her son Kamani run it. Yes, it's little... We spend a day reading books on the picnic tables there and enjoy a quick and delicious meal from The Fish Pot (the chicken wings are awesome!) located right next door to Esther's. It's our beach go-to place several times per week. For rum shacks see previous post.

These are a few photos taken from Fort George located on top of a ridge in downtown St. George's.

...Grand Anse beach is in the distance

Looking down on the main shopping area of St. George's

This is what you can find in the St. George's Fish Market... yellow fin (ahi) tuna only costs EC$8.00 per pound (about $4 Can/lb).

The Fish Market

Spiceland Carnival in Grenada during August is a time of celebration and fun.

This is Morne Rouge beach where you can find La Plywood - a funky little beach bar that's fun to visit while sitting on a beautiful beach. Morne Rouge Beach is a very serene and peaceful place to get away from the tourists and crowds...

This is sitting on the rail at La Plywood

And into St George's harbour - mega Yachts at Port Louis Marina - this is only possible if you have mega moola $$

Tourist train in St. George's...

A flamboyant tree in bloom - located in the garden at The Radisson Hotel

Lots and lots and lots of great beach side eating places and bars.... this is The Aquarium on Magazine Beach

Umbrella's on Grand Anse Beach - one of our favs

The Edge Restaurant and Bar at Jenny's Place (now closed)

An unusual quiet moment at Grand Anse Craft and Spice Market - where Esther's is located...

Coconut Restaurant and Beach Bar on Grand Anse Beach

Dodgy Dock at True Blue

...with lots and lots and lots of great tasting - can you say sa-mooooooth - rum that's easy on the wallet... This is Eldorado five year old rum for EC$34.20 or about $15.90 Can.

Mangoes growing by the dozens on trees everywhere. These were right next to the road side while we enjoyed a nice walk to La Sagesse beach

La Sagesse beach on the south coast

This is a working water wheel located at the Rivers Antoine Distiller that is fed by an aqueduct that sources spring water. The water wheel turns gears that are attached to a sugarcane crusher that allows sugar cane juice to be extracted for making molasses and then boiled into rum... This is where they make very strong rum: 69% per volume. Much too strong for many uninitiated Canadians, but the locals love it.

Sugar Loaf Island - a dormant volcanic island at the northern tip of Grenada's main island - this shot was taken from Levera beach where the turtles arrive every spring to lay their eggs.

A turtle egg left over in the sand many months after egg laying season.

The locals here in Grenada are very friendly and fun... this is a little girl in Grenville who wanted to show me the fish she caught.

We met a man (Lloyd Wildman) who wanted to show us several of his tricks - this is one of many...

We met this little fellow when we stopped for lunch in Gouyave

The annual sailing week in February is fabulous here and local sailors from all over Grenada compete with other sailors from around the world.

The Workboat Regatta follows the annual sailing week and is a fun filled weekend for all members of the family. Fishing workboats (that usually have outboards on them) are converted to sailboats and sailors from villages across Grenada compete with each other for bragging rights. Boats are launched right off the beach across the start line. Fun!

A collection of images for Grenada would not be complete unless we include a few sunset shots.... all of these were taken from various places along Grand Anse beach.

We hope you enjoyed this mini-tour of Grenada. It's worth dropping by for a visit to enjoy some sunshine, beach time and the occasional umbrella garnished sipper-rooonie while digging your feet into the sand. It's even better to stay for a long time and become familiar with the locals. Yes, this is a great place to contemplate retirement.

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