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For Posterity - New Year's Eve

Get ready to welcome the start of 2018. World wide history books will show that 2017 was one big load of crap - cue Pumpkin Head.

Sorry – we couldn't resist documenting our thoughts at this turning point. We don't want to make this site political, but we couldn't help stating the obvious at this point as it is impacting us here in the Caribbean. Internationally, in our opinion, 2017 was the kind of year when you felt like you needed to go through the car wash, without your car as no amount of showers and scrubbing could wash off the feeling of yuk that crept over you day after day... or maybe an acid bath would get most of the stink off that clings like some sort of festering jungle rot…

It might appear to some that we seem a bit one-sided, but we assume everyone is entitled to their opinions based on their own research. And so we have prepared the following trying to keep our comments on the "lighter side" of serious.

Our daily news sources here in Grenada are all US based programs and we are inundated with the trials and tribulations of people from that country trying to cope and survive in their freshly depressed society.

No, we don't tune in to FOX news - the fake news and propaganda from there is generated by pumpkin head's minions. But over the past year we have learned far more about the ipso facto leader of the GOP than we ever wanted to, and we know these little islands in the sun will be impacted by his twitchy impulses.

We bet future generations won't believe it.... this year has definitely been one for the record books. The topsy-turvy universe that pumpkin head has created in Washington has left many heads spinning and it has been hard to keep up with what will come next each day. From antagonizing tweets, to the Russia investigation, to the tax cut, 2017 was unbelievable.

2017 kicked off with the report by “seventeen intelligence agencies” declaring that Russia, and Vladimir Putin personally, tried to influence the 2016 presidential election. “Meddling” and “collusion” became the watch-words of the year. It kinda makes you wonder how the US funded “seventeen intelligence agencies” were not alert to the shenanigans until the damage was done. Since then it’s been 24/7 on the news wires. When and if the Special Prosecutor Mr. Mueller pounces, we expect the tweeter-in-chief will try to fire him. Now won't that be a fun episode on the news?

There he is, they call him a President, with a stupid grin and slitty eyes beneath that car-hood of a hair-doo, lumbering from one presidential disaster to the next, through squalls of humiliation, disrespecting leaders from foreign lands, raising the ire of homeland congressmen and senators, provoking the bards of the NYT to mouth-foaming hysterics, tweeting any old thing that flies through the crevices of his brain-pan, with a small hand pointed against a swirling sky.

You may detect that there are no fans of the orange uninformed-one on this keyboard. However, we do admit that he has exceeded all expectations by showing the world just exactly how uninformed he is about government, while driving politics of the country into a deeper ditch than voters have yet to realize. The Mueller investigation hangs over his head like a piñata filled with dog-shit, and he keeps swinging.

After more than a year, the Russia-Gate narrative is looking like something fished out of the Goodwill Industries dumpster, with its chief sponsor, the FBI, riddled with conflicts-of-interest and suspicious political motivations.

His management of the North Korea nuclear threat has loosely been, shall we say, less subtle than his predecessor’s. Pumpkin head and pig faced Rocket Man look like a couple of characters out of a 1949 Warner Brothers Loony Tune. It’s almost enough to make you forget this is deadly serious business. The issue has gone ominously silent for the past few weeks and we can imagine we’ll witness some real fireworks from these two itchy hot heads as the new year rolls out.

Yes there was a whole lot wrong with the attempt to constrict travel to the US by people from a list of mainly extremist Islamic nations. Yes, Liberals shrieked about ethnic “profiling.” And yes, that’s likely what it was, but if most of us were honest we would likely admit that some of them are part of a lot of maniacs who are blowing things up, shooting up crowded places full of innocent people, and plowing trucks into folks around the world. But with all of the spies and surveillance tools available to the spook department, you would think they could investigate and clear travelers at source – before the bad guys depart for precious American soil – and avoid the international issues that were generated by whimsical musings of an uninformed real estate heir.

The MAGA program leaves us skeptical to say the least. There really is nothing great about what he is doing or trying to do. No first world country will try to replay the industrial age by returning to coal fired machines, and we’re for sure not going to return to the simple life-ways of 1962 (My Three Sons...). But at the rate he's going USA is more likely to return to something more like 1834 (...think Back To The Future episode), with scant central heating, and a lot of suspense about getting a hot meal of beans and pork at sundown... Bring back the days of mules, said nobody ever...

His MAGA efforts have landed USA into hot water around the world and his actions have been nothing but an embarrassment to everyone in the country and to international relations. A few examples; the Mexico wall, reversing almost everything President Obama did from Obamacare to Cuba relations, applying alternative facts and fake news, walking away from the Paris climate agreement and still denying climate change after three massive hurricanes made landfall on US soil within weeks of each other, calling white supremacists “fine people”, firing the head of the FBI to save his own ass, embarrassingly needless involvement in “taking the knee” in sports, firing more staff in year one that any president has done in the history of the country, and then there's the Jerusalem fiasco...

And now The New Tax Plan? Real tax relief just doesn’t mean a whole lot without a reduction in the size and scale of government. Its unstated purpose is just a means to widen the gap between those that have and those who do not. The rich get richer and no one that needs health care gets health care. With fewer taxes going into the tax man's coffers, its eventual effect will be to start to shove the US closer to real and painful insolvency in which something has to give: either the value of US currency, or lack thereof. We wonder what sort of other dark schemes are being hatched to cold-cock or blind-side the public.

Well, he made it through the first year. We thought he would be sandbagged by a heckling team of Pentagon patriots inside of three months, but, alas, we were wrong, wrong, wrong.

2017 slid down the year-end chute with a lively hunt for sexual predators and abusers in public life. We suspect an army of lawyers is at work in these cases behind the scenes and there will be a second act in 2018. It seems one main target has been missed but hopefully that will change as soon as he is no longer holding office.

Just recently he announced that during year one he had done many things to change the country - more than any other president - and he complained to the media that he was "not getting enough credit for it." CNN just reported that, after reviewing scores of statements made by politicians this year, it declared that the big winner of "Lie of the Year" for 2017 goes to the person that told the biggest whopper (cue the drums and prepare the confetti)... pumpkin head himself! That must be bringing him some joy as he spends time this week at his exclusive, for-profit country club Mar-a-Largo -- or as he has nicknamed it, the "Winter White House." You might be asking which lie was chosen as the winner, considering he has served up more "whoppers" than Burger King. Well, it goes back to May 2017 when Trump told NBC's Lester Holt that, "This Russia thing is a made-up story."

As PolitiFact notes, he told different versions of that lie several times in 2017 to try to cover up his tracks, such as in September when he tweeted, "The Russia hoax continues." ....but it was his comment in May that earned him the Lie of The Year "honor."

So, Happy New Year Everyone! Let's hope 2018 is much better. ....and to all of our US friends: stay safe, and please try to convince some of the backwoods rednecks in the country to vote smarter next time.

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