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Hazards of the Caribbean

People are curious as to whether it's safe to travel and move about the way we do. Is it safe to be a tourist?, will we get shot?, will we get robbed?, is someone waiting to attack us?

Is it possible? Yes. Is it probable? No, except we did get robbed and the guy is in jail... speedy police work!

We used to ask ourselves these questions before we started out on our adventure. And then we looked back and realized that these are also questions that could be asked about our former home in Vancouver, Canada. And we have discovered that it is definitely less probable here in Grenada than it is in Vancouver.

But, now that we have been in the Caribbean for almost a year, we feel it would only be fair to let you know about some of the potentially dire travel warnings that you might have to concern yourselves with, should you decide to take the plunge and come for a visit. Please take note:

  • You might get a full tummy ache from eating seconds and thirds of the great tasting Caribbean food

  • You might trip and fall while looking at the fabulous scenery instead of watching where your steps are taking you

  • You might have difficulty choosing which of the many umbrella drinks to taste... answer: all of them!... yet another hazard...

  • You might get sunburned and have to spend extra money buying sun creams and aloe-vera gel

  • You might find small tropical fish collecting around your feet while you stand in the clear blue sea

  • You might temporarily lose your hearing if you are sitting next to a 26-piece steel-pan band

  • You might have a hard time deciding whether to go to the beach or go to the pool

  • You might discover a single tropical tree that produces delicious fruit and two spices at the same time

  • You might notice that your skin feels soft and smooth from the constant humidity

  • You might miss seeing someone wearing jet boots, or someone water skiing, because you were blinded by the sun

  • You might over-indulge when you discover what really good chocolate tastes like

  • You might become somewhat mentally confused trying to find out the taste differences between blago, bananas, plantain, and figs

  • You might be surprised to find that you look great in that savvy looking hat you always wanted

  • You might astonish your taste buds by how much better fresh fruit tastes here than in Canada

  • You might be troubled with having to scurry across hot white sand in order to dive into the teal blue sea

  • You might unsettle your brain with a new desire to wear brightly coloured clothing

  • You might become confused with having to decide which “catch of the day” to enjoy... there are many

  • You might be coerced into sitting through several rum tastings only to discover the rum here tastes way better than the stuff you get in Canada

  • You might have to endure being a witness for turtle hatch-lings finding their way to the sea

  • You might get an unexpected abdominal workout while taking a bus ride

  • You might become amazed at the soothing temperature and colours of the Caribbean Sea

  • You might have to agonize your way through the experience of sitting in the shade of a palm tree reading a book and sipping on a Caribbean beer, while a gentle breeze caresses your hair

  • You might get sore fingers from taking so many photos

  • You might get really tired from having so much fun, that you forget to buy souvenirs for your family back home, and then they might get mad at you

  • You might fall completely, head-over-heals in love and never want to leave, which causes you to be depressed when you do have to go home

  • You might cry at the airport... well, probably guaranteed.

So, be sure to memorize and heed these travel warnings, and then pack your bags, get some fun in the sun, soak up the culture, and get inspired by your visit. There are many small islands to experience here and their culture and excitement are linked in so many positive ways. Come and join us when you can.

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