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Retirement Day

Canada Day (originally called Dominion Day) is a federal statutory holiday celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867, enactment of the Constitution Act uniting three separate colonies into a single Dominion within the British Empire called Canada.

The holiday was renamed in 1982 to Canada Day, the year the Canada Act was passed. This was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that was passed at the request of the Canadian federal government to "patriate" Canada's constitution, ending the necessity for the British parliament to be involved in making changes to the Constitution of Canada.

Canada Day celebrations take place throughout the country, as well as in various locations around the world, and is also marked by very happy Canadians living abroad while exploring tropical countries.

Then in 2015 (only just two years ago), the July 01 holiday celebration was further renamed to Jan and Cyndi Retirement Day – let the celebrations begin!!

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