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Sitting On A Rock - War Worries

Sorry if we offend someone with this post, but it is where our thoughts are today. We just wanted to write down our concerns regarding recent world events that might soon impact our adventure here.

We are not being cynical about it, nor are we the-sky-is-falling / "doomsday" kind of people. We are just wondering and worrying about how to be real about it, while at the same time trying to be hopeful that we can continue to carry on with what we have been enjoying up to now. But then I suppose we should be happy that we are part of the lucky 1% of the planet that actually has the opportunity to do what we are doing - let alone actually do it.

We have to admit that it's a bit disconcerting to be sitting on this little dot in the Caribbean with all the military posturing and chest-beating going on in the world. We are worried that world events and the actions of others might impact our adventure. We are concerned that several super powers will carry on with political stupidity and ignite a world war.

Dr. Strangelove (aka Pumpkin Head) is in the White House. Right down to the facial tics and twitches, the grimaces and eyebrow archings, and the cynical smiles each time he mocks someone. It is our opinion that he is a danger to us all. USA rednecks voted for him, and his resolve for antagonizing the planet and waging war. It appears he has every intention of delivering.

Since the April 6 tomahawk cruise missile strikes by the Trump administration against a Syrian airbase, things have gone from bad to worse.

Then, the dropping of a Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB) by the US military in Afghanistan as a warning, and show of force, to demonstrate to any nation that gets in the way of American interests that there are no limits to the violence the US military is prepared to unleash.

North Korea has said that it will keep increasing its nuclear arsenal in "quality and quantity" and said Pyongyang is ready to go to war if that's what Pumpkin Head wants. China said in the news today that it would take military action against North Korea if more missile tests are conducted by North Korea... "Beijing will respond harshly to any further North Korean nuclear tests as that would mark "the crossing of a red line" to which China would respond."

Yes, this is a negative and alarming post but needs to be said. If things do escalate, we need to think about our supply line for food and water, and how that might impact our health and safety on this rock.

War mongers are blinded by their lofty positions and by their ready-made safety havens and bunkers. They are insulated from the consequences of their actions and yet feel they are entitled to lead impose this maniacal lunacy on the rest of us. The innocent masses are not the problem. It’s the egotism, conceit and arrogance at the top. It always is. It's very depressing... all of it.

It could be said that the safest place for us would be in New Zealand or perhaps the southern tip of South America. But, we would guess that the entire planet would eventually feel the effect of the madness, and then I suppose it really won't matter where we are in the world. Besides, all major cities of the world likely have a bulls-eye on them - easy to find in Google, so we might be safer here than whence we came. And after all, who can stop it, when Pumpkin Head is at the helm with his clenched fist on the red button? Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail.

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