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PV Weather so far....

When we arrived in PV in late September the summer heat and high humidity was still going strong. Some people said we arrived right at the peak of it. Daily high temps were 34 or 35 degrees C and with the humidity felt like a sweltering 46 or 48 degrees C (this is from weather websites). I was a true Canadian and sweated where ever we went, no matter what the time of day or night, and had to carry wipes to keep my forehead clear. I am convinced that my forehead would sometimes actually spit sweat out and cover my sunglasses – I am sure there were hundreds of little lips forming above my eye brows that would pucker up and forcefully shoot out one drop at a time. The constant stream down my neck, back and into my shorts was only trumped by the gallons of water I had to consume to stay hydrated. Did I say it was hot?... and we were not used to it.... I even saw Cyndi with a light dusting of humidity on her face one day and she appeared to be glowing a bit – unheard of....

The single a/c unit in our suite (master bedroom only) was used every night for a few hours until we (meaning Cyndi...) couldn't stand the noise anymore. Ceiling fans were spinning in all rooms to move air around, and the landlord bought us a big stand-up fan that we could move and point at our armpits whenever we had the energy to actually move about. Obviously we needed to acclimatize and in the process found that cold showers were necessary. So was the added laundry from changing tank tops three or four times per day. If I wore a tank top too long I found that I needed to wring it out before tossing it into the laundry. Therefore, on most days, I elected to wear no tank top and no shorts and was breezing around in our apartment in just underwear whenever I could. Quite liberating.....

It seemed there was a pattern to the daily weather routine - the early morning would be clear and sunny with a light land breeze and then by noon the heat and the humidity would be cranked up to hit the daily high. Like clockwork, late afternoon clouds would drift in and form thunder heads and rain would start and finish in a matter of 2 or 3 hours into the evening.

The swimming pool offered a “cool-down” effect that would only be a fleeting transition when we first jumped in. After that initial plunge it was more like a warm bath, but I must say that the pool was a welcome diversion two or three times per day - thank you Cyndi for insisting we get a place with a pool.

Now, after the fact, I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that it was a welcome relief when hurricane Patricia came along and brought cloudy and cool weather to PV. We are very fortunate that we didn't feel the wrath of the hurricane (see previous post) and really only had a whole bunch of nice cool rain to enjoy.

Moving forward into November, the temperatures have dropped a few degrees and I believe (hope) we have partially managed to acclimatize as we seem to be more comfortable. The pool feels cooler, the a/c unit is not used anymore, ceiling fans are only on for part of the day and only one room at a time, breezes through the windows are enough to get a good sleep, Cyndi puts a blanket on her side of the bed so she can be warm (WTF?...). We have both lost a few pounds from walking everywhere and I think I might have broken my sweat glands with all the sweating I did in October... I suppose they are "unused" sweat glands and they probably needed a good work out.

The weather pattern sort of remains the same in early November, but with cooler temperatures, and we are enjoying it. Rain is welcomed by the locals in PV as it brings with it a cool, general “refreshing” rather than the long drawn-out dreary damp that we had in Vancouver. As we get closer to Christmas and into the new calendar year I believe the daily weather routine will move into more of straight sunshine during the day and starry skies at night with daily highs maybe reaching 26 to 28 C. Sounds like tropical paradise.... :-)

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