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Week One in PV

Our first week in PV has been an easy transition - mostly because we have been here before and kinda knew what to expect.

We spent 5 days at the Sheraton Buganvilias Resort because we wanted to treat ourselves for all the hard work we did - that you have already read about in the preceeding posts. :-) ....seems fair to me...

We both have to admit that it was a huge relief to finally unpack our suitcases (we have been using them ever since we sold our bedroom suite of furniture way back in August). It was soooo nice to get into some semblance of organization with our clothing, and other items that we squeezed into those bags.

We arrived at our new apartment and met the managers - Saskia and Emma - both wonderful people and we look forward to the many months ahead with them. They manage many rental units through their company called Vallarta Getaways We recommend you call them as you will be treated very well. Saskia had done a lot of work to prepare the suite for us such as hiring contractors to paint and fix things that needed fixing, and she installed some new items before we arrived (ceiling fan, floor fan, new stove), and made sure everything was clean. Our suite has an authentic "Mexican" feel to the finishes rather than what our typical "Canadian" expectations might be. We are glad of that as we might as well get used to it from the start.

I am finding it warm and tend to have a paper towel with me at all times to wipe my forehead, while Cyndi is saying she has finally stopped feeling cold. She never breaks a sweat.... The pool temperature is perfect to cool down and we have been there several times already in our first couple of days.

We went shopping at the Walmart and Mega Store to find our initial shopping items and came back with most things we needed. It will probably take a few more days to find out what we need, and a few more trips to get them to our new home. So, that is the exciting part... a bus ride to the store and a taxi ride back. Both are very entertaining and have the ability to wake your senses and ensure you are alert for the rest of the day. Generally it is impossible to have a conversation due to the noise levels from the various rattles have been entrenched into every vehicle on the road. Skimming across cobblestone roads in most places with a total disregard for speed limits, dogs and small children seems to be the norm for bus drivers and taxi drivers alike. We recommend frequent rum or tequila injections in your diet as basic assistance in this regard. There is no need to join a gym or a cardio class when you live here as every muscle in your body will be fully engaged and well toned once you are three or four blocks into each journey. :-)

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