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We did it...

Well, the ever constant focus and adrenaline rush of making this big change in our lives has made it possible for us see the end of our "to do" list. When we look back at the efforts we have made over the past few months we realize we have done something that most other people would never consider trying. We have managed to reduce our household down to four suitcases and a couple of carry-on bags, and that will be the extent of our "stuff" for the next couple of years.

We have been talking about and planning this since 2007 so it's a major milestone for us to be taking off on our departure flight for our adventure this coming Saturday.

It's amazing that we could get rid of the many things that made up our home and our hobbies. Some of them required a lot of heart-felt tugging before we let them slip through our fingers to family members or to those who bought things. For the few items that we did keep, our storage locker is 5 feet by 5 feet and is only half full - I am quite sure everyone will agree that meets the definition of "downsizing". We will release those few items and bring them into our new home once we find it.

We were able to get our medical plan and pharmacy to issue us with 6 months of prescriptions that we need to help keep us healthy until we return in March 2016. Our travelers' insurance and medical insurance are in order. We took another batch of Dukoral to help us with the change in water / foods. We have been walking at least 4 km every day before breakfast to get our feet ready for the Malecon and ready for the short hill from the beach to our apartment. All set... :-)

So, for the foreseeable future we will have to put up with sunshine, palm trees, sandy beaches, sunsets, and replacing flip-flops and tank tops when they wear out... harsh...

This is the final post from Canada as the modem for our SHAW internet service will be terminated today (Thursday Sep 24) and our wifi will cease to work. Our next post will be from Puerto Vallarta Mexico.


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