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Our list of things to do...

OK - so we are just a couple of weeks away from our departure date from Canada and we thought it might be a good idea to compile a list of the things that we needed to do to get ready. If we don't do it now we will likely forget many of them as time goes by, and we are pretty sure that we will get asked for this info later. So, for those of you who might find this useful, here is a list of things that come mind at this moment that hopefully reflect what we needed to address during our planning and preparation for leaving Canada:

  • Give notice to retire – take each other out for dinner to celebrate

  • Prepare spread sheet to compare many potential locations for new tropical home

  • Pick date to leave Canada – allow plenty of time to deal with the “to do” list

  • Pick a new location from your top three on the spread sheet

  • Look into requirements for long term residency in new location

  • Prepare a list of your previous residency info – some countries want that (Barbados needs it from your 16th birthday)

  • Start sorting and purging all of the things we own

  • Arrange for flights – have a toast to that

  • Find a new apartment in tropical paradise and book it

  • Figure out what it will cost to ship things to our new home

  • Prepare list of items that need to be sold

  • Prepare ads for Craigslist

  • Sell everything - this is very difficult and time consuming - some things are very hard to let go of.

  • Help buyers carry things out - get a massage

  • Have a garage sale – have a hot bath to rejuvenate

  • Transfer music C.D's to computer with backup – sell C.D's

  • Backup all computer data to remote hard drive

  • Buy totes for storing items that have to be kept and be moved to new home

  • Rent storage locker

  • Load storage locker with first batch of stuff – get a massage

  • Start "personal effects list" with a detailed list of make, model, serial number of everything that goes into the storage locker to be moved

  • Give notice to landlord

  • Update RRSP to maximize

  • Advise Medical Services Plan that we are moving – pay for 6 months coverage

  • Compile a summary of our medical history - might need it later

  • Obtain traveler's medical insurance

  • Donate unsalable household items to family or to charity

  • Donate winter clothing to charities

  • Load more stuff into storage locker – get a massage

  • Update "personal effects list"

  • Throw away your snow shovel – yaaaay – have a glass of wine

  • Find and bookmark website links that you will need while you are away

  • Renew Driver's license

  • Get international driver's license

  • Find birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc

  • Update Wills

  • Renew Passports as needed

  • Life Insurance...

  • Get prescription from doctor for 6 months of meds

  • Keep important papers in one place

  • Load more stuff into storage locker – get a massage

  • Update "personal effects list"

  • Advise Pension folks that you are leaving Canada

  • Advise CRA that you are leaving Canada and will eventually apply for non-resident status

  • Set up account with “mailboxes etc.”

  • Set up account with “Epost”

  • Forward mail to new address

  • Sell Car and truck and cancel insurance – buy some good walking shoes

  • Cancel services to hydro, phone, cable, etc.

  • Unlock your mobile phones so they can be used elsewhere

  • Get police certificate (no criminal activities) in case needed

  • Pack two suitcases for each of us with shorts, tank tops, flip flops and snorkeling gear

  • Clean the entire house and storage areas – have a hot bath and a glass of wine

  • Load last bit of stuff into storage locker – get a massage

  • Update "personal effects list"

  • Book a hotel room for your last evening in Canada

  • Go to hotel and have a nice dinner and a glass of wine to celebrate the start of your adventure

  • Fly to a nice warm place and move into a furnished apartment and have a margarita

  • Stop worrying about the stuff you left behind in your nice secure locker

  • Tacos and margaritas on the beach.....bring suntan lotion :-)

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