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Office Reunion!

Once upon a time many years ago, Cyndi and I met each other as colleagues while we worked with the RCMP. I was with the Property Management Unit and Cyndi was working with one of the operations teams. The Property Unit was headed by Pete McPhail who was one of those great bosses that creates synergy and "family" in the office - the best boss I ever had.

I was lucky enough to be accepted into the team to be one of his staff and we all had fun together while working hard to get the job done. Years have since passed and many of us have retired or have moved on to other jobs / careers. Leila and Bill decided it was time we all got together to reminisce.

Leila volunteered to be the hostess with mostest and we invaded her home and pool in Kamloops for a few days! It was great to see everyone again, and all in one place before we headed south on our adventure. Thank you Leila for hosting... and on her birthday weekend no less. :-)


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