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We had a lot to do before we could start our adventure. The many trips we made to the east and west coasts of Mexico since 2007 got us dreaming and planning. After we decided to take the risk to leave Canada and most of our worldly possessions behind, we came up with potential options for places to explore through a lot of analysis in several spread sheets. We looked at many locations in Central America and in the Caribbean and compared everything from crime, economy and finance, weather and natural disasters, cost of living, health and well-being, and day to day living items. We had total points for each location and points in subcategories for "important" items and "critical" items. Everyone wanted a copy of the spread sheet but we made it clear that it was fashioned around our wants and needs and that theirs would certainly be different. Besides, I think I might use my spread sheet to take a stab at being a retirement consultant to help other people do the same thing. Several places popped out on "top" of our preferences and we felt we needed to spend some time living there before final decisions could be made. That will start in October 2015. Our current plans are to stay in our top 3 or 4 for the next 18 to 24 months with a couple of suitcases and live in furnished rentals close to the beach.

We both retired from our jobs in June 2015 and then starting packing things that we thought we might need in our new home once that decision was made. It was difficult to let go of some things - especially for me as I had to sell all of my guitars and amps and retire from the band that I managed for many years - and it was difficult to reduce our personal effects to the essentials that could fit into a dozen packing boxes. Moving furniture was too expensive and so our new home would have to be in a place where it was readily available.

We decided to allow three months from our retirement date to our departure from Canada so we could disconnect utilities and cancel services, and so we could enjoy one last summer in Vancouver. These three months will be very busy with visiting family and friends and packing / emptying the house. I must admit that it seems a bit scary and yet at the same time liberating to let go of our household things. We hope it will all be worthwhile.

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